- Duration
5 Months
- Language
- Certificate
- Expert Trainers
- Flexible Timing
- Fee Installements
- Communication Classes
React (also known as React.js or ReactJS) is a free and open-source front-end JavaScript library for building user interfaces based on components. It is maintained by Meta (formerly Facebook) and a community of individual developers and companies.
React can be used as a base in the development of single-page, mobile, or server-rendered applications with frameworks like express.js, and Next.js. However, React is only concerned with the user interface and rendering components to the DOM, so creating React applications usually requires the use of additional libraries for routing, as well as certain client-side functionality. OddIQ IT Organisation is renowned for providing the best coding classes.
Course Content Overview:
– HTML Introduction, Basic Tags
– Images and HyperLinks, Paragraph
– Division, Ordered and Unordered List
– Table
– Form , Submit and Reset Button, Text, Password, Radio, Check Box
– UI Elements : DropDown , Calander etc.
– Audio, Video
– CSS Introduction, Inline , Internal and External CSS
– CSS Properties and Selectors
– Box Model
– Display Properties , Floating
– Navigation Bar
– Website Template Design
– Bootstrap Introduction
– Bootstrap Grid System and Classes
– Images, List , Cards and Dropdown
– Inputs , Buttons ,Tables , Forms
– Alert , Color Classes, Popup Model
– Bootstrap Template Downloading and Customizing
Javascript Basic
– JavaScript Introduction
– variables and operators
– If and Switch Statement
– Looping Statement
– Functions , Default Arguments, recursion, strict mode
– Events(click, dobleclick, keypress,mouseover etc.
– DOM Manipulation : Access , Add, Delete , Get
– Get Element By Id, By Class, By Name etc.
– setInterval() , setTimeOut(), clearInterval() , clearTimeOut()
– Array and Array functions
– String and String Functions , Date and Format
– Javascript Object , Array of Objects, JSON
– Local Storage
Javascript Advance
– Javascript Object – Property , Methods, Prototype , Accessors
– Class and Object,Constructor
– Inheritance, Overriding
– Annonymous Function and Arrow Function
– Async , Await, Promise, Callback
– HOF in Array : filter() , map() , reduce() , some() , every() , sort() , find()
– Closure and Curring
– Spread and Rest Operator
– Binding with function : bind() , call() , apply()
– Generators
– jQuery Introduction
– DOM Manipulation : Access , Add, Delete , Get
– CSS Manipulation
– HTML Events and Methods
– jQuery Functions : show,hide,toggle,slideUp,slideDown,slideToggle, etc…
– jQuery Cycle and Slider Plugin
– jQuery UI Plugin
RDBMS Introduction
SQL and Statement Types
Create Database and Tables
Create and Alter Table with all constraints
Select , Insert , Update and Delete
OrderBy , GroupBy
Normalization , Primary and Foreign Key
Joins and Subquery
Stored Procedure and Functions
React Introduction and Architecture
Create React App and Run App)
React Components (Function and Class Component)
React JSX and styling, Conditional Rendering
React Events Handling.
React State
React Props , TypeChecking with PropType
Communication Between Parent and Child Component
React Lifecycle(Mounting)
React Forms(Controlled and UnControlled Component), React Bootstrap
React Routing, React Higher Order Component
HTTP Server Communication (Fetch API)
React Hook
React Redux
Redux Thunk, Redux Saga
React LocalStorage
React Axios and JSON Parsing, REST API
Firebase Phone Authentication
File Uploading
JWT Token
Payment Integration – Stripe/RazorPay